Welcome to the SWS, thank you for buying a pass, your support is important for our operation to continue in the future.


Shuttles schedule:

Start End Note
12pm 1pm  
1:30pm 2:30pm  
3pm 4pm  
4:30pm 5:30pm This is last shuttle period to go to the island
6pm 7pm  

With the larger sandbar it will be tide permitting and we ask that everyone wears their wetsuits in case we need to drop off in shallow water. We’ll do our best to follow this schedule and update if anything change


Parking Lot On Galbraith is closing soon!

The parking lot on Galbraith Ave is closing soon.  The new parking area will be at sp'akw'us feather park.  This park is now open to the public.

Parking At Sp'akw'us Feather Park (formerly Nexen beach)

Park at sp'akw'us feather park.  Walk back towards Galbraith Ave and there is a trail along the beach that will take you to the shuttle pick up.  


Map showing parking, walking trail, and shuttle pickup.


Walking to Mamquam Beach

Walk across the Sp'akw'us Feather parking lot towards Galbriath Ave.  There is access to a trail along side the beach there (along the blind channel).  Take this trail which will take you directly to the shuttle pickup. Please do not walk on the road (galbraith ave) as this is being used for contruction vehicles.



Overview - Shuttle

Shuttle Boat Schedule & Operations

The shuttle ride is only ~5 mins from Mamquam Beach to the island. In order to maximize occupancy and keep fuel expenses in check (and membership costs low), the shuttle boat will run one hour on completing as many trips as possible, with 30 mins off schedule. To catch the shuttle arrive anytime during the scheduled hour of operation.

Last shuttle back to the mainland is 7pm. Staff are always on standby, but there are no operations on windless days.

Check our website to make sure staff are on duty.



Thank you for your support!

It’s been a very challenging start to the season for access. But it’s been awesome to see everyone share their stoke on the water, and the community come together to make the most of what’s started out as an amazing wind season. We look forward to seeing you on the water!

~Squamish Windsports Society