We are very excited to announce the
opening of the 2018 season on May 15th!
The SWS staff will be at The Spit on the weekend of May 6th / 7th @ 9am to roll out the carpets. We will decide which morning (Sat or Sun) to roll them out based on weather, favoring a day for no rain and better wind conditions in the afternoon.
This is not something the staff can do alone. We are calling for a minimum of 12 volunteers to help us. Everyone is welcome to help but we would like a core crew to pre-register via E-Mail. There will be food and drinks available for the registered helpers. Sturdy shoes and good gloves are advised.
Please reply to this email with your preferred day if applicable and the earliest time you can arrive:
To maximize your first session’s time on the water, please pre-register for your membership online. Note, only regular single memberships are available online. Family and Student memberships are only available on-site at The Spit.
If you have a 2016/17 SWS Membership Key Tag please attach it to your kite bag now so you can re-use it for your 2018 membership. (no really, go attach it with a zap-strap to your bag now!)
Remember, Check-In is mandatory for all sailors every visit.


Any kites left unattended in the Active area will be deflated and removed by staff. Leaving your kite in the Active area is discourteous to other members and is a major safety issue. This task is quite a burden on staff at times, drawing our attention away from monitoring sailors on the water. Please do your part by Deflating your kite & Educating others.
Here is a short list of reminders for sailing at The Spit.
Windsurfers have priority over kites on the beach. Please make clear paths for their gear and assist when possible.
The lower half of your wet-suit must be on before inflating a kite and fully on WITH harness before moving to the Active Area.
There should be no kites in the Active area unless you are IMMEDIATELY rigging your lines and launching. If the active area looks empty this is not an invitation for you to take extra time rigging.
Inflated kites can be temporarily stored in the staging area. On a busy day this is a 5 minute maximum storage area for gear change or adjustments. If this area becomes overloaded please deflate your kite.
Make sure that your gear is weighted down with sandbags. This includes WINDSURFERS.
Once landed in the Active Area, wrap up your lines and move your kite immediately to the staging area. You can take off your wetsuit and retrieve your board from the beach after.
Do not rig your lines over someone else’s - be patient and follow the current beach layout posted at the staff bunker.
Do not sail in the estuary - this is a Wildlife Management Area and is out of bounds to all sailors. Ask staff to explain where this area is.
Retrievals are not guaranteed! Be aware that the farther you sail away from the Spit, the harder it is for staff to see you. You are always sailing at your own risk, your membership is not a free pass to take additional risk. When in doubt, don't go out.
Ask a staff member or someone you trust to launch and land your kite.
Extra gear can be stored on the West (river) side of the board walk.
Ensure that you know how to properly self-rescue so that staff can safely retrieve you. If you are unsure how to do this then you need to finish your lesson program with a SWS approved school. For windsurfers, please listen to staff directions during a retrieval.
No parking in the turnaround, 5min unloading maximum.
Angle parking only on the spit road.
Safe and courteous speed for all users along the spit/dyke road.
2018 KiteClash - Canadian Freestyle Championship
July 6th, 7th & 8th. (Fri, Sat, Sun)
KiteClash is Canada’s largest kiteboarding competition. With more than 70 athletes, KiteClash attracts some of the biggest names in the sport. Stay tuned for more information about this event and how to watch or participate!
Volunteers / Staff
The SWS is always on the hunt for talented individuals interested in joining the team as directors (non-profit) and as staff.
We are also watching the membership each year for those who show the skills and attitude to join the paid on-site staff. This is a demanding job requiring a very specific skill set... If you feel you have what it takes, please send an email bio and up to date resume to info@squamishwindsports.com
Looking forward to another fun and windy season with you all!
If you have any questions, please ask a staff member on-site or email: info@squamishwindsports.com
See you on the beach!
Denham Trollip, Club Manager - Squamish Windsports Society